This entry was posted on November 6, 2013, 10:53 pm and is filed under Jan Brett Posts. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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#1 by Paulette Hallman on December 28, 2013 - 4:07 pm
I purchased Cinders as a Christmas gift for my toddler grandtwins when the “Cinders-mobile” rolled into nearby Charlotte a few weeks ago. Never had I expected such absolutely elegant illustrations! I could hardly wait to turn each page and discover the stunning pieces of jewelry in the borders. Then, when I got to the gatefold – well, it simply took my breath! It would be hard to say who will enjoy this beautiful book more – granddaughters/second-graders or their grandmothers/teachers.
Thank you, thank you for the beautiful books you create for all of us!
#2 by Paulette Hallman on December 28, 2013 - 4:40 pm
I purchased Cinders as a Christmas gift for my toddler grandtwins when the “Cinders-mobile” rolled into nearby Charlotte a few weeks ago. Never had I expected such absolutely elegant illustrations! I could hardly wait to turn each page and discover the stunning pieces of jewelry in the borders. Then, when I got to the gatefold – well, I do declare, it simply took my breath!
It would be hard to say who will enjoy this beautiful book more – granddaughters/second-graders or their grandmothers/teachers.
Thank you, thank you for the beautiful books you create for all of us!