2008 School or Library contest winner – Margaret Burgess


University Place Elementary School in Huntsville, Alabama.
If you look behind me, you’ll see rocketships from Hedgie Blast off! 

      I’m just back from visiting the winning school from last year’s contest, and am looking forward to the drawing to pick this year’s winner. The drawing will be on this coming May 11th.
     Alabama is home to University Place Elementary, the exciting, vibrant school we traveled to in early March for a visit. Second grade teacher Margaret Burgess was the winner of last year’s contest where classes matched my characters, Teeka, Berlioz, Hedgie and many others to the books they appeared in. The winners were chosen at random, but after a day in Huntsville I could not imagine a more inspiring school to spend the day with welcoming banners, imaginative art on the walls and a thoughtful teacher whose students entered and won the contest.
     Ms. Burgess made our day memorable.  We have a lot in common.  We both keep poultry, have a child in the military with two tours in Iraq, and we both find children fascinating.
     Hedgie and I greeted the children who were attentive and enthusiastic during my talk.  I told about how I got the idea for my latest book, Gingerbread friends, and drew them the Gingerbread  Baby and peppermint puppy.
     During questions and answers, one boy asked, “What was the most difficult book I have created?”  I really had to think about that one because the most fun and most valuable things I do are difficult. I finally decided it was my first book,Fritz and the Beautiful Horses,because I had never written a book before and was using hope and eagerness to keep me going.
About one third of the third, fourth, and fifth grades wanted to be authors or illustrators. When I me the students individually to give them a copy of my book The Three Snow Bears which were donated by my school publisher, Scholastic, most of them said they were readers, writers, and artists!  The most popular pet was the dog, the favorite animal, tiger, most popular color, red.  Most popular t-shirt for boys was The Green Hulk, for girls, Hannah Montana. Every child was energetic bright eyed and engaged. Hurrah for a wonderful elementary school!
     When we flew back to Boston after a day at University Place school, we saw the beautiful mountains and waterways below, and the Apollo rocket next to the museum. It made me think that University Place students can do anything!



Jan with winning teacher Margaret Burgess

Here’s Mrs. Burgess and me outside her school.  The school
partners with the Universtiy of Alabama, whose
students are often reading buddies with students.








Jan, Hedgie, and wonderful teacher Dolly Jackson
Jan, Hedgie, and wonderful teacher Dolly Jackson.  I didn’t know Huntsville is home to the Apollo Rocket and has a space museum. It was space week and you will see Miss Dolly in her space coveralls next to Hedgie.  The children learn about the space program.  Some children have learned so much about science that they have joined the space program.

  1. #1 by Margaret Burgess on March 6, 2009 - 11:57 am

    I just wanted to say that the visit with Jan and her husband Joe was the best thing that has happened at University Place for me and my students. We were so lucky. Thank you for inspiring my students to be writers.

  2. #2 by Kim Chappell on March 23, 2009 - 4:06 pm

    Kim Chappell :I am the Media Specialist at University Place Elementary. Mrs. Burgess is a wonderful teacher!!! Having Jan Brett and her husband visit our school and library was one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences I have had as an educator. I know the students will always treasure the experience as well.

  3. #3 by Elise Beron on April 6, 2009 - 2:48 am

    OOH! I’m envious. I have wonderful memories of the afternoon Jan and Joe arrived at our local bookstore in New Orleans.. They were magic– she, the chic blond, friendly, gracious and warm, and he the handsome escort, looking like he just stepped off Saville Row in London. We had been waiting anxiously, and when that zippy Jaguar turned into the driveway, our corwd shrieked. She entertained thrilled children, and he spoke to my granddaughter and me. A little girl’s dream came true when she met Jan, and she lovingly remembers that very special day. I’ll never forget it….and cherish my collection of JanBrett books.

  4. #4 by Harry on May 12, 2011 - 2:52 am

    The whole school community must be so proud of Margaret. No doubt, her family is so much delighted with her achievement.

  5. #5 by Alice L. on May 26, 2011 - 7:26 am

    Congratulations to Margaret. I hope that you will give inspiration to others in and outside of your school.

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